

Isle delivers a technology commercialisation workshop at the TWENTY65 Conference

Posted: 16.05.2017

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Isle were proud to take part in this years TWENTY65 Conference. It provided a unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, water companies, technology developers, policy makers and regulators to network and learn together to help pave the way for a future that delivers sustainable clean water for all.
In line with the themes from future scenario planning and catchment management to stakeholder engagement and water efficiency, Isle highlighted that technology and innovation will be the key to successfully achieving the change that is required by 2065. SMEs continually develop and invent new and exciting technologies which require investment for them to be commercialised. With this in mind, investors also need to be encouraged to invest in the water sector and all TWENTY65 stakeholders have a  duty to make the water industry an attractive investment option. Investment can be achieved by showing the market pull of these technologies therefore demonstrating the size of opportunity and market for innovative technologies. Over the last 10 years, Isle has been doing just that!
Our business is built on accelerating the route to commercialisation for emerging technology providers through improving the accessibility of those technologies to end users. Isle has a strong track record of understanding the needs of technology end users. Those needs (including environmental, financial and growth targets, which are common to Isle’s client base) are addressed through the sourcing, screening and active facilitation of emerging solutions.
Through our innovation forum, the Technology Approval Group (TAG), we work independently with water utilities to understand their needs and challenges. From there, we identify and map the most novel technologies and solutions. It’s not solely about technology identification we are also proactive with support for testing, demonstration and implementation, as well as the transparent feedback around the successes and the failures. External investment requirements are also an important consideration and the TAG model has been proven to facilitate this process through its bespoke stakeholder engagement process bringing together technology companies, end users, delivery partners and investors. This has been instrumental to the success and commercial uptake of numerous TAG related technologies. More than $600m of external investment into the target companies has been facilitated through the forum, not including investment into projects.
We look forward to continuing working with TWENTY65 over the next few years to successfully deliver solutions to the water industry through industry collaboration.


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